Mining conference of Bayankhongor province was held on March 20 involving special license holders of usage and exploration of minerals, artisanal miners and non-government organizations. Local adminis...
The Sustainable Artisanal Mining (SAM) project was initiated and co-implemented by the Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in 2005. The fourth...
The SAM Project’s leadership team conducted a two-day trip to Dundgobi aimag and Khuld soum, where they met with governors, government officials and flour-spar artisanal miners. Khuld soum has high-qu...
After graduating from high school, B. Tsog-Yuren yearned to continue her education but she had to herd livestock while she took care of her grandparents in the countryside. Tsog-Yuren is now the leade...
Samdan Choijiljav was her parents’ seventh daughter. She spent most of her childhood in Baatsagaan soum in Bayankhongor aimag. In 1997, she began working and selling dairy products in a shop in the ai...
The February 1 meeting of the SDC Sustainable Artisanal Mining (SAM) Project’s Steering Committee meeting focused on the findings and recommendations of the project’s mid-term review, 2016 results and...
The National Human Rights Commission launched a “Journalists for Human Rights” club in 2012 that works to build the capacity of journalists to report on human rights issues and raise public awareness...
Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) has positive national socio-economic benefits through its support for local development, job creation, and poverty reduction. In line with international practice...
In 2016, with support from the SAM project, the ASM National Federation held an essay competition among its members on a topic of “Human rights based approach and gender equality in artisanal and smal...