Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining National Federation of Mongolia established on the 2nd of May 2013 at the First Artisanal and Small Scale Miners Summit and has been working steadily and successfully until today.
Since its establishment, ASMNF has been actively involving in the development of the responsible artisanal and small scale mining sector in Mongolia, such as improving its legal framework, ensuring sustainability, combating illegal mining activity, protecting rights and building capacity of its members, protecting women and children rights in ASM sector, developing environmental and social responsibility of the miners, building an opportunity for ASMers to transferring into another workplaces apart from ASM sector, diversifying income sources of ASMers via vocational training courses and support the development of their small businesses by cooperating with government, non-governmental and international organizations.
Improving the livelihood of the members by protecting their common interest, providing them with sustainable employment and various income source, developing environmental and social responsibility of the miners, cultivating them as entrepreneurs.
- Албажуулалт, зохион байгуулалтын мэдээлэл зөвлөгөө
- Чадавхжуулах сургалт, үйлчилгээ
- Бичил уурхайчдыг өөр ажлын байранд шилжихэд нь дэмжлэг үзүүлэх
- Төсөл хөтөлбөрүүдэд хамруулах
- Сайн дурын гишүүнчлэлд суурилсан.
- Хамтын удирдлагын зарчмыг хэрэгжүүлнэ.
- Ил тод, нээлттэй, ардчилсан зарчмаар ажиллана
- Манлайллыг хөгжүүлэхэд үйлчилнэ
- Оролцоо, олон ургалч үзлд тулгуурлана
- Нээлттэй тэгш хамтын ажиллагаа, өргөн түншлэлийг хөгжүүлнэ
- Шударга ёс, хуулийг удирдлага болгоно
- Хүчирхийллээс ангид хүлээцтэй хандлагыг баримтална
- Хүний эрх, эрх чөлөөг хамгаалж ажиллана
- Жендэрийн тэгш байдал, хүүхэд эмэгтэйчүүдийг анхаарч ажиллана
- Тогтвортой амьжиргаа, ажлыг байрыг дэмжинэ
- Ёс зүй, хариуцлагыг баримталж, ашиг сонирхлын зөрчлөө тухай бүр мэдээлж зохицуулна
The ASM Knowledge Hub is a web-based interactive platform, which will provide active exchange and distribution of ASM information and connect ASM actors and knowledge contributors in Mongolia as well as with global ASM stakeholders. The platform will feature latest news and updates in ASM sector and provide information on upcoming events regarding the sector.
The platform will be main point of storage and dissemination of various articles, studies, researches and publications produced by ASM stakeholders in 8 different ASM topics:
1. Legal Framework
2. Mercury and Toxic Chemicals
3. Occupational Safety and Health,
4. Environment and Rehabilitation
5. Human Rights and Gender
6. Supply Chain and Economic Development
7. ASM Community and Local Government
8. Results, Success and Achievements
The platform’s Group section will be main point of discussion and forums between its users within four Thematic groups and/ or groups created by users. The platform also has eLearning module which provides number of “how-to” tools and guides on ASM topics such as ASM formalization, entity registration, ASM health and safety and environmental rehabilitation. The platform features real-time information service such as an online chatting system and hotline service “1900-2959” offered by Mongolian ASM National Federation.