The New Training Room for Jewellers Opens Its Door

Recently, Rajiv Gandhi's Production and Polytechnic College, which specializes in highly skilled jewellery professionals training, and is well-known for 52 years has opened its jewellers’ training room in cooperation with German International Cooperation (GIZ) and with support of the Sustainable Artisanal Mining project by the Swiss Development Agency and Cooperation (SDC) to train jewellery professionals in Mongolia.  

Mrs. S. Mungunchimeg, the Vice Minister of Labour and Social Protection, Head of Board Members of Production Polytechnic College, Mr. Sh. Duppel, Ambassador of the Germany to Mongolia, Mrs. Ilaria Dali, Deputy Director of SDC, Mr. Hanson, Representative of German International Cooperation, Mr. Stephan Hanzelmann, Program Director IMRI project, students, co-workers and partner organizations all participated in the opening event.

Director of the Rajiv Ghandi’s Production and Polytechnic College, B.Davaajav in his opening speech said: "During the past years, we have been trained in professional services, craftsmanship and technology for 32 professions. We offer professional training, vocational and technical education with competency-based curriculum, to support professional, and technical education, and complete secondary level education in this Polytechnic college. With the introduction of the jewellery training room, we are the only vocational education school in Mongolia that opens the door to domestic and foreign markets, bringing Mongolia's traditional art and developing modern Mongolian art. We are confident that we will be recognized with high-tech professionals in Mongolia and will be honored with our own style.

The Jewellers’ Training Program has been updated in cooperation with the German Vocational Education Program. According to the program, beginning from 29, January 2018 students are encouraged to be involved in both a 1,5 year and short term training courses on modern day tools and equipment.

The IMRI project by GIZ awarded 100% scholarships to students in Arts and Crafts for the Arts, which was part of this opening event.

The Polytechnic College has been paying close attention to the development and expansion of foreign relations and cooperation in recent years and has been leading the vocational education sector in Mongolia.
