The sixth meeting of the planetGOLD Mongolia Project Steering Committee (PSC) was held on January 22, 2024, in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
The meeting was chaired by Mr. Ganbaatar Myagmarjav, Deputy Minister of Environment and Tourism (MET) of Mongolia and was attended by PSC member representatives from the MET, the Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry, the Bank of Mongolia, the Mongolian Artisanal and Small-scale Mining Federation, the Artisanal Gold Council, and the UNEP.
At the meeting, planetGOLD Mongolia project team reported on its activities in 2023, presented the 2024 workplan and provided updates on the current ASGM formalization process. As the project is ending in 2024, the members of the PSC were also informed on the Project Exit Strategy and reviewed the project indicators.
The PSC members asked questions from the presentations and provided their comments. They highlighted the importance of sustainability of the two mercury-free processing systems (MFPSs) introduced by the project.
The meeting successfully concluded with the PSC agreeing the 2023 activity was satisfactory and approving the 2024 work plan.