New authorized Fairmined suppliers

Fairmined Authorized Suppliers are a vital part of the Fairmined Initiative. They provide access to the market under fair conditions for the Fairmined certified miners and they provide jewellers and the gold market with easier access to Fairmined gold.  That is why we are very honoured to welcome four new Fairmined Authorized Suppliers: Betts Metal Sales LTd, Stephen Betts & Sons Ltd. (UK), Daniel Jewelry Casting Services (USA),  D&M Jewellery Finishers (UK) and TRAID GOLD (Germany).

Sourcing from the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector can be challenging, as there are very divergent practices, and expectations between the miners and the gold market. Having one foot in the artisanal mines and the other in the luxurious world of jewellery, these authorized suppliers act as a bridge between these two distinct worlds.

Sourcing and putting together a supply chain from ASM can be complicated.  The mines are generally located in remote areas with limited accessibility. Artisanal miners, with basic tools and limited access to resources generally do not operate with the capacity for accurate and rigorous planning and projections, making it complicated for suppliers to plan their sourcing. The dedication and commitment from the Authorized Supplier to provide Fairmined Licensees with simplified access to Fairmined certified gold products is commendable and adds value to an already special and exclusive precious metal.

Over the years we have been receiving interest from New York based jewellers who want to support responsible artisanal mining.   We are very pleased that now these jewellers can source Fairmined from a local supplier who offers casting services in Fairmined certified gold.
