Workshop charts path to more responsible ASM

A framework for more responsible ASM was developed in a series of recommendations for government and non-governmental organisations, ASM cooperatives and partnerships at the “The ASM Legal Environment, Its Implementation and Challenges” workshop organised by the Govi-Altai Governor’s Office and the aimag’s Environment and Tourism Department .

Participants included aimag Governor S. Ganselem and Deputy Governor J.Ganbat, D. Battulga from the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority of Mongolia, Ch. Oyunchimeg from the SAM Project, ASM National Federation Executive Director D. Bayarmaa, and representatives from government agencies, environmental inspectors, and ASM NGOs, cooperatives and partnerships. The recommendations, which were approved by the council, included:

  • The establishment of a council to oversee ASM issues at the aimag level and help ensure regular operations;
  • Strengthening the organising of illegal mineral miners into ASM organisations in collaboration with relevant government and NGO projects;
  • Encouraging and supporting miners in ending illegal mine operations;
  • Defining ASM land and organising workshops by province integrated policy and take appropriate actions
  • To prohibit illegal mine activities in areas using high powerful equipment by State Inspectors, Police, Soum Governors and State Environmental Inspectors.
  • Stopping the use of illegal toxic chemicals;
  • Determining the location of the workshop by relevant state-level administrative organisations;
  • Organising and formalising the gold supply chain;
  • In accordance with the accepted methodology, performing environmental rehabilitation and handing over the land;
  • Adopting a legal environment and adhering to ASM laws and regulations, and working to prevent crime;
  • Supporting ASM entrepreneurs' initiatives, creating conducive conditions for working in different areas, and educating miners and providing them with a sufficient level of ecological knowledge; and

Based on the findings of the Minerals Resources and Petroleum Authority, the provision of land for ASM can be discussed at the aimag Citizens' Representative Khural.
